So, without further ado....
2013 Resolutions
-Get a date to prom Check.
-Don't stay in America all year Unfortunately, no.
-Get abs (Oh please.) I actually had like, a 2-pack. :D
-Have a swimsuit-worthy body by summer Check.
-Keep up daily Bible readings, even in times of inclement weather and schedule changes Not every day, but most.
-Don't be afraid to wear earrings Check.
-Grow out hair at least 2 inches *looks at end of braid* Probably not.
-Get a drivers license. Seriously. Wow. Nope.
-Have a Top 3 (or 5) list for colleges Check.
-Spend more one-on-one time with specific friends and family members I think so.
In conclusion: I am equal parts awesome and total, utter, failure. But anyways. ON TO THE FUTURE.
2014 Resolutions
Graduate with a GPA of 4.15
Get a date to senior prom
Find a modest bathing suit
Journal more during Bible-reading
Get elbow-length hair
Be happy with the college I choose
Go on more adventures
Keep in touch with the important people
Continue to not swear
*raises wine glass filled with grape juice*
Let 2014 begin.