The tempest of my thoughts, contained in a simple page.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Latest in Resolutions

I know what you're thinking:
"Abby, where's your yearly evaluation of last year's resolutions, complete with your new list that we all treasure and look forward to so much? We've been on pins and needles. We've sent out an FBI search party to ensure you're still of sound body and mind." 

Well, loyal friends, I'm sorry. But life is crunchy and startling, and I'm overly ambitious and busy and need to be humbled a lot. I've decided my New Year's resolutions are going to look different this year. Instead of a straight list of 10 goals that covers a wide range of categories (or the 16-or-20-item monstrosity I tried to attempt last January), which I methodically select based on what in life I think is most important, I'm going to go simple and just list a few things I want to be better at. Not crazy bucket list items, not even simple daily habits. Because I could go abroad and lose 5 pounds and write a novel in 2016, but if I haven't bettered myself and the lives of others and the kingdom of God in the process, what's the point? So there.

Oh, and about last year's resolutions? I'm not even going to post them. It's not that I failed miserably or anything, but let's just say I was pretty ambitious last January. Had I fulfilled every single one of them, I'm pretty sure it would have transformed me into some immortal perfect being, and turns out I'm a person instead. So let's say we just work on personhood, hm?

1. Ask more questions than I do talk about myself.

2. Challenge the people I care about in healthy ways.

3. Be so uncompromising on the things I believe in that a few people hate me.

4. Let things go that I can't control. Who cares who cares who cares.

5. Pursue learning for its own sake.

That's it. And I'm not sorry that it's the middle of January. You need to feel out the year a little before you decide what you want it to be filled with. You can't plan your 2016 during 2015- don't be absurd.

Wait and see.