Thus far in Virginia, these things have come to my attention.
- I have met a grand total of 0 people.
- Any woods that might beg exploring have No Trespassing signs on them.
- My new school is freezing.
- There's an "Asia Grocery". Hi-Chews, soba noodles, and curry mixes. Thankyouthankyouthankyou.
- A frozen yogurt joint called the Sweet Frog is the American equivalent of Yogurt Land.
- It's still hot, minus humidity. This means good things for my hair.
- Our house gets hotter the higher up you go. (Hence: I'll be sleeping in the cool basement.)
- I need a job.
- I have the earth's weight in summer homework.
- I'm lacking in school clothes/supplies.
Did I mention I'd rather not be on the Western Hemisphere?
Uhhh...hey...I HAD YOGURT LAND IN THE STATES BEFORE I CAME TO OKINAWA ABBY. Yogurt land was made there. Just sayin.