The tempest of my thoughts, contained in a simple page.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Thus far in Virginia, these things have come to my attention.

  1. I have met a grand total of 0 people.
  2. Any woods that might beg exploring have No Trespassing signs on them.
  3. My new school is freezing.
  4. There's an "Asia Grocery". Hi-Chews, soba noodles, and curry mixes. Thankyouthankyouthankyou.
  5. A frozen yogurt joint called the Sweet Frog is the American equivalent of Yogurt Land.
  6. It's still hot, minus humidity. This means good things for my hair.
  7. Our house gets hotter the higher up you go. (Hence: I'll be sleeping in the cool basement.)
  8. I need a job.
  9. I have the earth's weight in summer homework.
  10. I'm lacking in school clothes/supplies.

Did I mention I'd rather not be on the Western Hemisphere?

1 comment:

  1. Uhhh...hey...I HAD YOGURT LAND IN THE STATES BEFORE I CAME TO OKINAWA ABBY. Yogurt land was made there. Just sayin.
