The tempest of my thoughts, contained in a simple page.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

My Day Is Coming, Gentlemen

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Before you read this, go find the song that always pumps you up. Listen while you read. (Come And Get It is actually applicable, but you don't have to use that.) 

You know what I realized yesterday?

Guys go through girl 'phases'.

When they're young, it's the Little Rascals phase. "Girls are dumb, yucky, stupid, etc." Then they reach middle school and the curiosity sets in. Girls are new and exciting. Then it's high school and girls are entertainment. They're desirable. They exist either to look at or to pursue. And when I say pursue, I usually mean chase. It's not bad; that is, not all high school guys look at girls as objects. But they're fun. It's not time to be serious yet. Let's be interested in whatever's the newest, shiniest thing.

Then college. Then the real world. Well, now it's time to settle. Guys look for the nice girls. The one's who are good with kids. Who can be intelligent. Responsible. The ones who'd make good wives. Good moms. The ones they can respect.

Well, here's what I realized.

I've never been the newest, shiniest thing. I used to think that meant I was doing it wrong. Well, that's not true.
I'm a nice girl. And that's okay. 

Because the thing is, I'm looking around the sea of high school boys, trying to find one of them who's looking for a nice girl. Because some are. But the vast majority of them are still in the entertainment phase. And that's okay too. But I was brushing my teeth yesterday and realized that my day is coming. I may not be a fashion plate, or know about the coolest hipster band, or have a cool devil-may-care attitude in my skinny jeans and liquid eyeliner, but hey. While those girls are having their heyday, I'm gearing up for mine.

There will come a day when good guys look for nice girls, and when that day comes, I'll be ready.

So it's incredibly liberating to say with confidence that while it really sucks some days, I'm cool with just sitting back for now. And waiting. For when the good guys come for the nice girls.

(Wow. That was empowering.)


  1. I just really want to high five you right now. And then maybe do a girl-chest-bump.

