The tempest of my thoughts, contained in a simple page.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Cryptically-Worded Ephiphany

It's amazing how clarity and perspective never comes when you're looking for it.

Like, there you are, scrambling around, frustrated for reasons and answers and solutions that won't come, and then suddenly you're sitting in a car or walking your dog or saying something for the hundredth time, and suddenly five epiphany-like thoughts come to you all at once, each one with enough genius packed into it to solve an entire season of a crime drama.

It's amazing and freeing to realize that you don't have to work so hard, and also incredibly humbling to realize that you were stressing over something you didn't have to stress over. They say the Lord works in mysterious ways, and it's a huge understatement. Just two days ago, a seemingly arbitrary line in a daily devo book spoke to me, but only to the extent that I thought, wow, that's cool, it reminds me of that thing that's so true that has nothing to do with me. But then today, it came back to me coupled with another line from the same page, and suddenly I got it, and I realized that it could not only apply to the thing I thought it applied to, but also to my internal state of confusion in an indirect, domino-effect kind of way. (It was another crime drama moment, complete with dramatic flashback.)

Then I went on a walk and thought through everything I'd realized in the form of a monologue, which is how I typically do things, and I found that I wasn't frustrated anymore. Suddenly, a state of calm which can only be described as the peace of the Holy Spirit filled my entire being and I was like, wow. I never knew it could feel so good to care just a little bit less.

I don't know what purpose this serves other than to solidify the fact that I've figured something out, but I think it's significant whenever a weight gets lifted, or anytime you feel the calm assurance of an inward choice.

So to wrap things up with a semi-coherent nugget of wisdom, things can only dominate your life if you let them. You always have a choice.

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