The tempest of my thoughts, contained in a simple page.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

November Adventure Bucket List

Now that this giant gem of a fall show is over and my days just expanded by several hours, I want to use them with gusto. So without further ado, here are some excursions upon which I wish to embark, in no particular order.

  • Find the nearest animal shelter/pet store with a room that lets you play with the puppies and kittens and just spend a solid hour letting furry animals soothe my soul.
  • Go to a planetarium show. (Everything inside me longs for this more than I can express.)
  • Spend several hours in Boston by myself, just walking around or maybe touring a museum.
  • Visit the aquarium and giggle with glee at the fishes and turtles and jellyfish and such.
  • Go to Chili's. I haven't eaten there in forever and there is a whole in my heart that only unlimited chips and salsa and Molten Chocolate Cake will satisfy.
  • Find a new woodland trail and spend an afternoon taking pictures with friends there.
  • Visit a pentecostal church and unabashedly praise with my whole body.
  • Learn the Around the World swing dancing move so I can return to the Debauchery Swing club with something up my sleeve. Also, the Helicopter.
  • Finish figuring out GarageBand and then go to Philips and whip out piano covers of Painting Roses, West, and a couple others. Then mix them and add harmonies and such and maybe post them on SoundCloud if they're good.
  • Get better at riffing on the ukulele by watching Jake Shimbakuro tutorials on YouTube and crying a little.
  • Bake cookies with the Quad Squad and then watch Inception. Or Lord of the Rings. Or anything, really.
  • Write more letters. To relatives. To old friends. To new friends. To Santa. (Wait what?)
  • Continue to attempt abstract watercolors and continue to turn out grade-school-level blobs of color that vaguely resemble a landscape. 
  • Acquire more hats. (I don't really need more time for that, it's just something I want to do.)

My spontaneity level is either about to skyrocket or plummet. Fingers crossed. 

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