I don't want a boy who thinks I have beautiful hair. One who thinks it's amazing that I love photography and Mat Kearney and Volkswagens and Italian food the same way he does. I don't want a boy who realizes I'm his soulmate when he sees me eat pudding in my cute way, or sees me walk by a green dress, stopping time.
I want a guy whose soul is drawn to my interpretation of his favorite book. One who sees my love for Jesus overflowing from my heart and is speechless because the melody of my praise is in perfect harmony with the one flowing from his own heart straight towards heaven. I want a guy who can sit across from me and hold a conversation for hours without it going stale, eyes riveted with rapt wonder to mine, and then float from the coffee shop euphoric, turning over each tidbit of our conversation in his mind, again and again, like tiny treasures. A guy who realizes he has been made more complete, more himself by my companionship, as I have by his. And one who can't bear to be without me because of it.
I want a guy who likes me for reasons.
I adore you in every single way possible. I want the exact same thing.