The tempest of my thoughts, contained in a simple page.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Some Interesting Samples from My Writer's Notebook,

which I keep on my phone to jot down interesting things that I might use in Creative Writing class.

"I'm really good at things that don't matter"- Marshal Nichols

"The problem with BLTs is that I don't like lettuce or tomato, so they quickly turn into me eating a bacon sandwhich." -Sarah Genovese, friend and the author of some of my favorite quotes

I'm a blinking cursor on the computer screen of life. 

Why is his hair gray?

Look up: parachute making (and folding)

Sonnet about hispanic SAT scores (which I actually wrote, and it was mediocre)

Poets have long fingers.....haha, Longfellows

Clouds have gold linings, not silver

Always hurrying

It's kind of a neat little snapshot of my life, and the things that I observe. So there ya go. 

Make poems out of them. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, lovely. I'm not the only one who compulsively writes things down in my phone for future reference and use.... *sigh of relief*
