The tempest of my thoughts, contained in a simple page.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Too Close

I'm sitting in a basement.

My stomach hurts.

Why does it hurt, still?

Is it hunger or leftover nervousness?

The scariest moment of pain came while sitting in a circle at 3am. It was approaching my turn. I was fine. I had gone once, twice, before. Right?
All of a sudden the pain in my stomach gave way to a much bigger problem: my head started to feel light and dizziness kicked in. I told myself it was from breathing in too forcefully and suddenly.

But then there was the tingling in my fingertips.
The low heat that washed up my body like a wave, staying in my face.
The nearly-silent ringing in my ear.

Every time those three had happened together before, my vision had almost immediately started to go black.

No. Not here. Not right now.

If I wasn't nervous, I reasoned, as it got even closer to my turn, then why did I have the horrific feeling of being about to pass out?

Then, before I could slip up and make a fool of myself in front of everyone, I let my turn come and go. And just like that, I was okay again.

Why do I get nervous???

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