The tempest of my thoughts, contained in a simple page.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stumble and Plummet

Lord, my eyes are blinded
Your light, I've failed to find it
in constant darkness I reside
what I thought a lamp, merely pride

This fall ends in pain, alas
the bottom is self-shattered glass
as the edge bends and slopes
I cling to roots of high, fruitless hopes

My Own, a root that won't grip tight
my wisdom, naught- my labor, a mite
The World simply fills a broken cup
I, a mere human, hear "Look up"

Your hand, always present in distress
Lost in the torrent of my mess
Your will- greater than my circumstance
While mine is void of Your elegance

Though I grit teeth and leap out alone
I leap in the hopes it flings me home
whether You catch me or whether I fall
Your hand is regardless controlling it all

Though I wish for neon signs
I've yet to learn to walk blind
for clouds small as a man's hand
can bring rain to cover the land.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you should know that this may be one of the most beautiful and insightful things you have ever written.

    I just...yeah, I have no more words. Goodness gracious <3
