The tempest of my thoughts, contained in a simple page.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New List

I've started looking forward to doing these resolutions every year. Even if I don't accomplish every last one, the idea that I'm putting a few key goals in my mind for the next year gives me a sense of purpose. So, 2014. Let's see how you stacked up.

2014 Resolutions
Graduate with a GPA of 4.15
The final GPA was 4.21(4.19 unweighted). Woohoo! High enough to surpass my goal, not quite high enough to make Summa Cum Laude. But you know what, that's okay. It says I tried my best, but I didn't let academics define me, which is what I wanted. 
Get a date to senior prom
I sure did. I even outdid myself and went to two proms, and they remain happily frozen in my memory as the magical evenings (and mornings) that they truly were. 
Find a modest bathing suit
I found two! And while they don't fit like they were made for my body, they make me proud for trying. Modesty will never stop being a good challenge. 
Journal more during Bible-reading
I think so. I usually jot down daily thoughts or verses, but I could certainly commit to it more. But more on that later.
Get elbow-length hair
Guys. I got SO close! I've been really into long hair this year. The progress was impressive.

I recently got it trimmed and put in some layers, so it has a bit of catching up to do, but I expect to reach mermaid status for sure by 2016. 
Be happy with the college I choose
This one is a resounding yes. Everything that's happened since coming to Gordon has confirmed over and over that this is where I'm supposed to be. I connect with the people, the professors are so wise and kind, the campus is beautiful, and I'm growing so much. Never thought I'd say this(and the fact that I can say it says a lot), but I doubt even Stanford could have been as perfect. 
Go on more adventures
Overall, definitely. College does that. But I think I also became a little more fearless this year, which has shown itself in many areas and which I'm pretty glad about. 
Keep in touch with the important people
Not as much as I would have liked, but I did my best. I realized over the last semester how few people in my life were truly important. Besides my family, I really only have a chosen few that I value enough to make the effort for. But those are the best people. 
Continue to not swear 
Oops. Never thought I'd fail on this one. It freaked me out when I heard people swearing casually at a Christian college, and after the shock faded I found myself slipping up with alarming frequency. It's fizzling out somewhat, and taught me something about the weight you can choose to give words. I'm still figuring out the weight of mine. 


Well. That was a journey. It's weird how fast a year goes by, but when it's over and I look back, SO much happened. Anyways.

Normally, I do a simple list of ten resolutions every year that vaguely spans over the main aspects of my life, but this year I'm doing something different. The past six months have really been about spiritual growth for me, and more and more I find that the thing I want most is just to love the Lord with everything I have. So this year my resolutions are based on the greatest commandment: Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.  Which for me means:
Heart: Relational goals
Mind: Mental goals
Soul: Spiritual goals
Strength: Health goals

2015 Resolutions
Keep in regular contact with important friends
Call family often (once every week or two, ideally)
Initiate one-on-one hangouts with those I care about
Read some new books that aren't for school
Ace a difficult class that isn't for theater
Learn a new skill (musical, domestic, technological, or otherwise.)
Keep up daily devotionals
Start giving financially on a regular basis
Pray with others (whether they're friends or not)
Don't compromise on purity (in speech, dress, or conduct)
Go to the gym or do solo workouts more often
Eat healthier (i.e. more fruits and veggies)
Take some hiking/biking/boating outdoor trips


Phew. That looks more extensive when they're all written out like that. But I'm confident. As long as my greatest aim is to love God, I've accomplished all I need to. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud to say that I know you and to call you my friend.
    You're an amazing individual, Abby.
