The tempest of my thoughts, contained in a simple page.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

What No One Says About Bravery

It's better to be brave than to sit around and wish you were.
And while it's true that you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the chances that you did take, sometimes you're tempted to regret taking those chances too. When they backfire, for example.

And even if you ignore all that advice about not thinking and being spontaneous and letting "whatever happens happen," and instead you plan out every possible scenario, sometimes the one thing you never expected to happen.... happens. And this one horrible situation you never imagined you'd have to face is staring you down and all you can do is stammer at it awkwardly and repeatedly ask yourself what on earth is happening.

It's awful. Hollywood and popular culture love to show us the happy results of taking chances, but the hard truth is that sometimes being brave isn't enough, and life rewards you with a good slap in the face.

Does that mean we just pick ourselves up and continue to be brave? Or was that a sign that we should be more careful next time?

I don't know. Here's hoping I figure it out eventually.

They tell you not to drive while texting, but no one says anything about driving while crying.

They say you'll never regret being brave, but what happens when you do?

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